Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Visit From The Easter Bunny

Last weekend the Easter Bunny did some egg hiding in our yard while Hannah took an afternoon nap to sleep off grumpy..

Fast foward an hour later..

Grumpy was nowhere to be found (not suprising).

And colourful Easter eggs brightened up our pathetic backyard.

To dress for the hunt, the rain hat and sunglasses are a must!

With a heart to heart chat with the Easter Bunny..

Mr. Cotton Tail left behind a collection of plastic easter eggs - some chocolate filled while others exploded with stickers, pony tail holders, craft items and a finish line bag with two children's bunny storybooks.

I hate the idea of only chocolate at Easter..Chocolate filled cheeks of a three year old? Only if I could run away first!

This family had the perfect Easter..hope yours was too!

Monday, April 2, 2012

April Fools Fail

I was yesterday! I didn't get a chance to post this last night - so if you missed a day to pull pranks..I  give you permission to have an extra day for my late posting (just don't tell anyone).

Over the years, I have had my share of fun on April 1st. This year, nothing was popping up into my brain in enough time for action. In searching, I admit there were a few that were close to the "heck ya, I want to try that one! Geoff will kill me! But reality set in..

Do I really want to sprinkle flour/powder on our ceiling fans while they are turned off, for Geoff to turn them on and get snowed on? I'm not taking a chance since I would probably be the one finding powder months later behind furniture! I would LOVE to stick a chicken bullion cube in the shower head..but that just seems crazy!! Food dye in the soap would totally have been a green light - but I didn't want Geoff to get in trouble at work because his hands are covered in pink dye that didn't wash off. Note to Geoff: Your welcome! 

Nothing seemed to be innocent enough..even though April Fools is meant to be a day were anything goes with no limits!! I was just about to let the day pass with no "got you! April fool's!" Until linner (lunch and dinner - it was that kind of day). We were about to sit down for soup and grilled cheese sandwiches (like I said..that kind of day) when brilliant hit me! 

Geoff had made himself and Hannah grilled cheese/ham sandwiches and was cooking me a plain grilled cheese sandwich because I am a vegetarian (and have been for 18 years). Hannah was already scarfing down her meal, pulling the ham out to eat - still leaving her grilled cheese intact..I couldn't resist the opportunity! As soon as Geoff took a seat at the table, I snatched Hannah's now ham-less grilled cheese and took a big bite in front of him..the look on his face was priceless..until he exclaimed..I saw her slam down the was just a plain grilled cheese sandwich. April Fool's Fail.      

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lights Out

Last night, our family was one of many who participated in Earth Hour. From 8:30pm (until later than 9:30pm) our house became unplugged. 

In general, we try to be conscious of our actions and their impact they have on the environment. Its a small difference, but one none the less. We do what we can to be smart in our decisions every day.

Our night, in recognition of Earth Hour was spent at the kitchen table littered with candles and Scrabble tiles.

We always try to keep the game friendly, but our competitive spirits end up bringing the house down whenever the Scrabble board surfaces! 

Our first game, I won with an extra 20 points. With a second game played, I gained my gloating power with an extra 100 points on my score card. I couldn't help but feel victorious. 

I also couldn't help but ask my good sport husband if he was up for a best out of three games..

I'm guessing the Scrabble board won't be coming out in the next little while. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Back On The Block

Hannah and myself did some lovely artwork this morning to hang on the front door in honor of Geoff coming home TODAY!!  A month ago we were saying our goodbyes...and today we get to have him back..for awhile...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Time For Take Off

Now I know the secret to what my husband has been up to all these months (kidding..he isn't a Marshall)..

Although dancing lessons isn't a bad idea! 

Two more days till we are back to normal (for a month)..and then ONE MORE training adventure before our first family posting!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Lesson In Lasagna

I attempted to make four lasagnas with no idea how to make one. The thought of multiple different layers, intimidating noodles that curiously fits into a pot forever stumped me. 
Spaghetti or macaroni and cheese always won over the pasta war. I have eaten lasagna oodles of times, but never been the chef behind them..until now!

I'm okay using recipes, but I love being free of rules in the kitchen. Since Hannah and I are the only human eaters in the house at the moment, I decided to forgo an over-sized casserole dish and do more conservative portions so we don't have to eat only lasagna until Geoff comes home. These foil tins were perfect and allowed me to make four perfect sized lasagnas to freeze until ready to consume. 

I began thinking about making lasagna awhile ago. I only bought the tins and noodles. I had to start somewhere. They sat in the cabinet for ......... My next step involved shopping for the remaining contents so my lasagnas wouldn't be compiled of just tin and noodles. After a visit to the store and a phone call to my mom in the dairy section, I was ready to attempt the lasagna. 

I researched the basics of how to layer the ingredients from the internet. Everything else was left up to an experiment. Makes cooking fun. I cooked vegetables and added them to tomato sauce for the bottom and top layer of lasagna. I combined ricotta cheese, 2 eggs and included some pesto sauce for the middle layer to put between the successfully cooked noodles. To finalize the four lasagnas, I grated a whole lot of cheese to cover the top. 

I am one happy cook. I have three left in the freezer and had one super easy night where all I had to do was cook an already prepared homemade lasagna. I enjoyed my slices and Hannah caught licking her plate seems like a ditto. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Two Peas In A Pod

The past two days, Hannah and myself have both been sick! 

My half of the survival kit was our full (not anymore) bottle of laundry soap to be on top of the laundry piles caused by the little one's flu. I have also been fully dependent of cepacol tablets and halls cough drops for my infected throat. Hannah's half of the kit was the children's gravol and advil to help her through her sick patch.

Geoff will be home next weekend, don't want to be sick! 

Hopefully we can just sleep it off!