Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Big Day

Well, my non existent suitcase is almost packed and ready to roll its way to Quebec with me in tow to take part in a very important and special day for Geoff. His graduation ceremony! My long lost suitcase was one of the few items that got damaged when our forgettable flood happened this past summer. How long it sat down in the basement waiting to be filled and taken to Hawaii or England, and now that it has the chance to actually GO somewhere, and instead it is resting in peace in suitcase heaven. Guess that was a trip of a lifetime!

I would feel like this was actually happening (and feel much more prepared) if I actually had an official bag packed, just waiting on my mom to come up here to rescue me (in more ways than the suitcase!) I have made list after list and started mini piles. If it was the usual me, I would have been packed WEEKS ago in preparation for such excitement. Reality is telling me this is all going to happen fast so I better buckle my seatbelt, but I haven't even gotten in the car yet!

All this chaos will go away in two sleeps when I will finally get to see him!! Hopefully I will be able to sleep! Can we say August 27th to December 1st is too much time apart! I have to say this is one of my life's biggest lessons in patience ever!

 Can't wait to give him the biggest congratulations hug!

Monday, November 28, 2011

288,000 Jelly Beans

Maybe this post is because of my severe weakness for candy? "Hello, my name is Kate Keighley and I am addicted to candy!" If there is candy in the house, count on it being eaten by me. If there isn't candy in the house, count on it being the only thing I am thinking about. 

I have fallen in love with this music video. Not only for the fact that it features 288,000 jelly beans, but because its a rare opportunity. Forget pushing the shock value and continuing to deface the art of music. This one genuinely offers something original to the table. 

Way to go jelly beans,  have always been on your team!! 

Click Here To Watch:  http://youtu.be/IOu0DuxFAT0

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gone Too Soon

Nah! As much as we love the snow, we are not going to waste tears over it's departure! My arms could use a well deserved break from the two times (or more) per day tangos with the shovel.

No Grinch attitude intended, as once Geoff (and the month of December) arrive, I will gladly pass the shovel over to the pro. Goodbye snow, come back when we are ready!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Cut Above The Rest

Meet Lester West of the Lackland (Texas) Air Force Base Barber Shop.  

With 50 years in the "buzzness" of giving the basic trainees of the Lackland Air Force Base their first mop chop, he is certainly a different type of veteran. An inspiring story.

Friday, November 18, 2011

I Felt The Earth Move

Today feels like a Carol King day. I love her any day, but today there is an extra need to play this song at the top of the speakers lungs.

I woke up (very) early this morning with the feeling of my bed was trying to kick me out.

As it turns out, my bed didn't get a life of its own, we just had...AN EARTHQUAKE?!?! 

Earthquake Information

Friday November 18, 2011
Local Time: 05:09:01 PST
Magnitude: 4.3 ML
Latitude: 48.38 North
Longitude: 119.59 West
UT Date
and Time:
13:09:01 UT

The 4.3-magnitude earthquake was centred about 85 kilometres south of the Canada-U.S. border near the town of Riverside, Wash.

How could I have not figured that out?!?! Thank goodness it was the size it chose to be, we are okay!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Last night I faced off our snow covered yard with a snow shovel. In my big boots and jacket I plowed through old man winter's dander and cleared our driveway, car, front porch, back deck, and pathways. I was so proud of my hard work. Waking up this morning, all I could say was "what is the point in shovelling?" My dedication to the driveway, car, front porch, back deck and pathways disappeared under another major snowfall overnight.

Hannah was excited to see the snow as always, cue jumping at the window with the word "snow" being repeated incessantly. She proved that actually being outside can be less than impressing first fall of the season, a reminder here. Maybe the difference being that snow was wet and rain like?

Round two seems to be one for the team..

I would say we are knee deep in the white stuff!!
A big difference from the first snow fall.

Moxie and Daisy love the snow too, I never have to question that one!

Hannah loved being bundled into her snow jacket, pants, mittens, boots and hat!

And it looks like I can pass off my job of shovelling this year, to little miss "Hannah do it!"

Hopefully her anti-gloves attitude will melt away like the snow!

Otherwise this will be one long winter (for me!!)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mr. Old Man Winter

Someone woke up from her nap today..

While she was sleeping, we had a visitor that made her..

Mr. Old Man Winter!! Everything now lies under a blanket of snow!

Including our front walkway..

Here is me, trading in the rake for the snow shovel!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Home For The Holidays

In just a few weeks my husband will be home for the holidays. I wish I knew the day, but sneaky one that he is...I have no idea what day to expect him! I guess Hannah, the dogs and I will be in the company of balloons for awhile to make sure we are prepared!

After graduation, he will be going to his first posting for administration and paperwork before returning home. Since he isn't letting up on any of the details , I have a feeling his homecoming will be one or all of the following:

Although these soldiers are coming home from far (further than the distance between Kelowna and Quebec) their duration of time (longer than 12 weeks), it is still loved ones coming home, nothing in the world is better than that!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Day To Remember

In our memories and hearts. A moment of silence for you.
May recognition of your legacy be with us today and every other day.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Graduation Is Near

Geoff's graduation from the Royal Military College, Saint-Jean Quebec is just around the corner. I don't think I could be any more proud of my husband for all of his hard work and dedication. As a family, we are all excited for the unknown and new path of life ahead of us. First, we have to wait until the Christmas holidays have passed (which we don't want to rush!)  And of course the part two of his career training (which means another goodbye).

This graduation has been 12 weeks in the making and is only earned through passing all that is required of each recruit. Geoff grew up being familiar with the military way of life. I, on the other hand, had no idea what this way of life would mean. To enlighten me, my thoughtful husband introduced me to the world of basic military training through YouTube. We spent countless evenings on YouTube watching "Basic Up Reloaded." The series follow the lives of new recruits as they venture from start to finish though  military training at Saint-Jean Quebec's Royal Military College. Each episode gave me a greater understanding of where those long 12 weeks would take Geoff and enabled me to see the college's facilities and where he would be spending his time. I have to admit my favourite episode is this one:


This is what the 12 weeks build up to! These men have worked themselves into new men, been transformed in countless ways that will be with them for the rest of their lives.

Pack a box of Kleenex...check!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Seasons Of Love

Who loves a dramatic storyline and random breakouts into song? In other words, Broadway lovers get ready!

Growing up in the seats of Vancouver's Queen Elizabeth Theater, I was that girl who had the box of playbills tucked under her bed, secretly wishing to find her name somewhere in the company.


Just to name a few..

One I never had the opportunity to see but never did was the rock musical "La Boheme" also known as :

I was probably too young to be a ticket holder for this one. Chris Columbus's film "Rent" came out in 2005, I couldn't wait to have all the memorized songs, perform for me on screen to experience for the first time. To this day, I have to admit it is one of my favourite musicals. There is just something about it!

I found this and couldn't resist the sharing of such a smile worthy performance by a group of Marines.


Monday, November 7, 2011


November 7th 2011 in Kelowna and we are are getting our first taste of snow...or in some cases..

First touch of the season!!

Can't really believe my eyes, but here we have it. Snow! The forecast was right for a change!

Glad  I am not the only one still trying to believe it is snowing!

Especially when this morning, when staring out the window in disbelief that flakes were falling from the sky and not rain I noticed..

We still have flowers budding in the garden! Too bad I can't warm them up with a cup of hot cocoa and marshmallows, they are missing out!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Its That Time Again

Don't forget to turn back all clocks, watches and whatever else you use to tell the time this weekend! This tradition only happens twice a year, and we just obey the ritual. Don't you ever wonder how it came to be, the purpose behind such a strange concept, or who you should thank for that extra hour of sleep in the fall?

Watch this video and you won't wonder anymore!  

Friday, November 4, 2011

Act Your Shoe Size, Not Your Age

Today was a beautiful blue sky, seven degrees, sunny November day. When a day like this comes around, it doesn't take the entire morning to contemplate doing some yard work, it takes less than 10 seconds. Who would be crazy enough to say nope to sunshine (I know plenty would say no to the yard work!) But since our back yard currently looks like this:

Nope to yard work shouldn't be allowed, but Houston we have one major pickle.

Yup, that was from last week!! Can you believe this is all from one major tree?? And she ain't finished singing yet!!  So, to be productive I thought the least I could do was round up the shag carpet of  leaves and make a temporary pile until the city takes care of this collection!

With Geoff being away, I am so grateful for my little assistant. She does a great job.

I appreciate the help, especially when my assistant allows me to start acting my shoe size and not my age. I have not done this..


And this..

And this..

And this...in years!

Hmm, where did Hannah go??

One thing we DID achieve is an almost perfect "kids" photo..no one paying attention! The leaves are just going to have to wait until I can act my age (and we have somewhere better for them than the ground.) I guess today isn't that day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back To Blogging

We are back in action!! I have not forgotten about my beloved blog, on the contrary I have been missing it. The frustrating reality of life (one of many) is that technology does what it wants when it wants. My laptop has always had a mind of its own and decided to take a holiday at the Dell repair shop for 4 weeks. For some strange reason I have a laptop that likes to change its internal organs as often as I consume an entire carton of Ben & Jerry's ice cream..In other words, more than I would like, but I am wondering if one falls in the hand of the other..Yup, blame the laptop for my midnight snack fest of Chunky Monkey. I will deny that my regular intake of somewhat healthy (points for bananas) ice cream is from missing Geoff. Proof in the fact that when laptop is functioning, I muster super human strength and walk past the freezer section of the market like Ben & Jerry who?