Monday, September 19, 2011

A Duck Tale

Every day Hannah will ask me the same questions. I constantly get an earfull of "downtown?" or "see ducks?" or "see ducks and fish?" or the classic "go downtown see fish and ducks pwease?" If I don't hear that sometime during the day..? Well, that would never happen!

This is her favourite activity to do..go down to the lake to visit the boats, ducks and fish! Sometimes it is added on to a downtown grocery shop or errand, and sometimes it is the only plan of the day!

It was a busy day today, but because we were in the neighbourhood, we dropped in to see what the ducks were up to today. There are times they are sleeping, there are times they are up close to the beach..and then there are these times..

This duck acted more like an ostrich than a duck!! The breaks for air were far and few between..I couldn't get a photo fast enough of his rare oxygen intakes!

How did Hannah feel about this particular visit with the ducks today?


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